
Product Specialist Challenge

Sharad Mohan Vijalapuram

Clover Dashboard


Clover management would like to get a sense for what types of merchants have been recently acquired and what types of concerns they may have with our products. They have asked you to conduct an analysis and present your findings at their next staff meeting. Your presentation should, at minimum, answer the questions listed below and include any other findings that may be insightful for Clover management.


“merchants.txt” - This data set contains a list of merchants along with certain characteristics about them such as whether they are a quick service restaurant, are a demo merchant that only uses our devices for testing purposes, or have a certain set of apps pre-installed on their devices.

“devices.txt” - This data set contains a list of devices and their associated history with certain merchants. For example, once a device is “PROVISIONED” to a merchant, their device is now associated with that merchant. Likewise, when a device is “DISASSOCIATED” from a merchant, the device is no longer associated with any merchant.

“cases.txt” - This data set contains a list of cases that are created by Clover customer support when a merchant reaches out to our call centers. These data include reasons for why a merchant called as well as merchant and device information, if possible.


How many merchants and of what type?

There are 92,985 merchants in the data set with 57,624 having a device assigned to them at some point with the maximum number of merchants in the Services category and the least in the Airlines. There are numerous merchant types that fall under different categories with or without a device associated to them. Use the interactive packed bubbles chart in the dashboard to get a feel of the merchants and their associated devices (if any) - Clover Dashboard

Bubble Chart

How many devices do merchants have and of what type?

There are 87,215 devices in the data set out of which, 83,812 are or have been with a merchant in the past.

Devices Bar Chart

How long do merchants keep their devices?

Most of the merchants tend to keep their devices for about 200 days. The maximum number of days a device was associated with a merchant was for 269 days for Sporting Goods Stores while the minimum is as less as 0 or 1 day. There are also a few devices that have been provisioned and disassociated multiple times with the same merchant and device with the same serial number. These have been represented with negative values in the interactive dashboard.

What types of issues have these merchants called into Customer Support about and for which devices?

Merchants have registered various issues with respect to the hardware/software troubleshooting, functionality, training, account set up and other questions related to order processing, account cancellation and contract terms.

Since there are various account/funding or other generic questions on may be the company or company policies, application and contract terms, there have been issues or questions registered even from merchants who do not have a device associated currently.

Again, the interactive dashboard will provide much more information on how the issues vary with different devices and merchant types.

What are some ways we could improve the merchant experience?

Here are some observations that could be inferred from the data -

Recommendations -

Some ways to increase market coverage -